Entries by Robert G. Coleman

Preaching Christ Is Still Needed, Urgently!

“God is pursuing with omnipotent passion a worldwide purpose of gathering joyful worshippers for Himself from every tribe and tongue and people and nation. He has an inexhaustible enthusiasm for the supremacy of His name among the nations. Therefore, let us bring our affections into line with His, and, for the sake of His name, […]

Reaching Into Modern Ghanaian Culture With The Gospel

Christian culture and rhetoric has been so successfully mixed in with a large part of the Ghanaian social fabric that what is now left is no longer Christianity but a vague spirituality; a spirituality that often abhors the active involvement of the intellect in the worship God. Interestingly, the greatest commandment according to Jesus Christ […]

Why I Still Remain A Christian – Part 3

 2. Actions “If thou therefore wilt worship me, all shall be thine.”… In his most criticized theory on motivation, Maslow’s hierarchy of needs spells out significant stages that a person goes through in his quest for accomplishment. As a matter of fact, the theory is used to explain what motivates people to act. At the bottom and […]

Why I Remain A Christian – Part 2

I believe we were made with a purpose which gives meaning to our lives. Hence what we do every day whether consciously or not is part of the process of searching for harmony between decisions and actions we take, and the grand purpose of our lives. In that case, I reflectively submit that to define life […]

Why I Remain A Christian – Part 1

Staying away from the luxury of the culture I have known in more than 20years of my life has given time to reflect on many of the things that I grew up knowing by default. One of such is my belief as a Chrisitian. Back home I have asked the question about why I am a Christian, but before I […]

Is ‘Trinity’ An Unwarranted Complication On The Christian Message?

“… no doctrine more effectively demarcates biblical Christianity from a variety of modern cults.  Given the historical and contemporary significance of the doctrine, it is lamentable that many Christians today are unable to provide an account of the doctrine’s historical development and its present formulation…” –  John Y. Kwak & Douglas Geivett. I, like many others in […]

The Homosexuality Discussion

The whole discussion about homosexuality is more about morality than it is about constitutional rights or even human rights. Indeed it even boils down to whether morality is absolute or relative. Those who make laws on homosexuality cannot escape the fact that their decisions either come from an absolute morality perspective or a relative one. […]

Two ears, One mouth

Slowly and predictably, 2010 is drawing to a close. We remember wonderful times, deadlines, meetings, smiles and tears. In retrospect, God has brought us far. Father, we are very grateful. All these historical moments that passed with or without our notice will be crystallized in the late hours of 31st Dec when believers gather to […]