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Any observant Ghanaian, Christian or not will notice a fad which seems to have caught Ghanaian Christianity – an infatuation with the “prophetic”. Today, we have “prophetic encounters”, “prophetic conferences” and all the what not. The favourite title of the modern man of God is now “Prophet”. It seems that everything that a lot of […]
On the morning of April 20, 1999, 16-year old Cassie Bernall, a student at Columbine High School (USA) wrote a note to her friend, Amanda Meyer, which said this: “Honestly, I totally want to live my life completely for God
The desire for sex is one of the powerful hungers of our humanity. It can make you restless when you have in one way or another provoked and entertained it but have no way of immediately satisfying it. Being a Christian or following Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour does not shield you from […]
In the August 2013 edition of the Awake magazine of the Jehovah’s Witnesses, there is an article on pages 12 &13 which is titled, “Should You Believe in the Trinity?” Essentially the article argues for the case that the word Trinity and the idea it seeks to encapsulate (an idea which is believed by many Christians) are […]
One of the most recognizable and yet probably most misunderstood tools of Jesus Christ’s ministry was his use of parables. These were stories he told as he went from town to town, and some of them he definitely told more than once as we mentioned in the previous post on the life of a typical […]
As some of you may be aware, I’ve been spending much time reading and researching into New Testament history, with particular regard to how Jesus Christ and the church fit into the real history of events during the life of Jesus and immediately thereafter. So I’m starting off a series of blog posts on what […]
I’ve heard this statement “Your God is too small” used in certain Christian circles to denote a certain lack of faith in God’s ability to do supposedly mighty things for a person.