God, Sex and Me

to live as one who belongs to God.

But it is also healthy to know that God never intends to establish a dry relationship that is merely master-servant in orientation. There is special warmth in a real relationship with him that goes beyond a master-servant relationship. In Songs of Solomon we see in metaphorical terms a picture of intimacy between  two lovers – The man (God) and woman (the church – the body of believers) both expressing their deep affection and attraction for one another.


May I suggest that your attitude towards sexual purity is a real test not only of your trust in God but also of your eager longing for real intimacy with God. Perhaps as you are reading this piece, you have already gone over the edge sexual purity. But you want to set things right between you and God. God can and will forgive you if you will repentantly ask for his forgiveness, just like in the beautiful poem that says:

“He came to my desk with a quivering lip,

The lesson was done.

‘Have you a new sheet for me, dear teacher?

I’ve spoiled this one.’

I took his sheet, all soiled and blotted,

And gave him a new one all unspotted,

And to his tired heart I cried.

‘Do better now, my child.’

I went to the throne with a troubled heart,

The day was done.

‘Have you a new day for me, dear Master?

I’ve spoiled this one.’

He took my day, all soiled and blotted,

And gave me a new one all unspotted.

And to my tired heart He cried,

‘Do better now, my child.'”

“I am the high and holy God, who lives forever. I live in a high and holy place,” declares the LORD, “but I also live with people who are humble and repentant, so that I can restore their confidence and hope.” Isaiah 57:15 GNB. God wants to restore our broken relationship with him. We just have to confess our sins and be willing to turn a new leaf. If you are beset by chronic temptation, keep asking God for strength. We must not give up.

Here are a few tips which I hope can help us keep sexual immorality in check and thus keep the flames of our intimacy with God burning well.

  1. Fill your mind with the Word of God. You must keep his teachings in memory. If you preoccupy you mind with sex and sensuality, it will be easy to fall.
  2. Be careful what you listen to, what you watch, what you touch (yes you know very well those parts of a person’s body that you find sexually attractive. Neither touch not fix your concentration there) and your conversation – conversations trigger thoughts and some conversations actually ignite unhealthy sexual thoughts.
  3. Develop company with those who with a pure heart yearn for God through Christ.
  4. Rely on God for strength by having an attitude of continuously being in prayer throughout your day.
  5. Should you fall (which I wish above all things you don’t), don’t stay down, get up, dust yourself and keep going forward. You may presently even be experiencing the despair of overcoming chronic temptation. Don’t give up. The tragedy is when you get frustrated and give up. Keep praying, keep studying God’s Word, keep desiring to live right, and keep taking practical steps towards righteous living. God is faithful so you will overcome.
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